Customization Control Bar

Running scripts in Studio products

Customization Control Bar

The Customization control bar is an HTML page through which scripts and customized solutions can be run. It can be configured for your needs by editing the underlying html code:

This page is stored in your application's release directory, and if the default installation path is used, the location will be:

C:\Program Files*\Datamine\Studio StudioEM \Html\customization\default.htm

Note that for 32-bit Datamine installations, this folder will be "Program Files (x86)".

Alternatively, as the file is local, you can right-click the Customization window and select View Source from the context menu. Edit your file and save it.

Unless you are familiar with constructing html topics, JavaScript and object model requirements, it is not recommended that you edit this page.


You can load any script into the Customization window by dragging/dropping it, and you can also automatically launch a script by specifying it in your Project Settings dialog.

  openbook.gif (910 bytes)  Related Topics


Control BarsProject Settings: General